Making sure that your fire alarms are in good working order is a vital part of promoting fire safety in the workplace. You may not know whether they are working as they should be, which makes fire alarm maintenance an exercise of caution.

At ESP, we provide fire alarm maintenance in London, with packages to make sure that your systems are working properly. This includes regular tests, checks the option to repair them should you require this.

Fire Alarm Servicing Regulations

Businesses are under specific legal requirements when it comes to ensuring that their premises have fully functioning fire alarms. According to British Standard policies, a fire alarm test should be carried out once a week by the building’s designated “responsible person”.

British Standards also outline that fire drills are also a sound practice that businesses should have in place. These may be performed, monthly, once every three months, or twice a year. Being prudent with your fire system checks can provide peace of mind to both your business and those in your building, both from a legal perspective and a safety one.

Fire System Maintenance & The Law

When it comes to the law, fulfilling sufficient fire alarm maintenance and checks falls under the Fire Safety Order 2005, which details the importance of having a duty to take general fire precautions.

Log books should be kept to record whenever these tests take place. If the settings of any fire alarm are altered, these should also be recorded. This makes it easy for you to provide evidence of compliance, should an enforcing body need to perform checks on your premises.

Why Choose Us?

  • Local – We are a trusted provider of fire alarm maintenance in London, including Enfield, Barnet, Harrow and the surrounding areas. 
  • Experts – Our qualified engineers are able to repair your fire alarms and can perform the necessary checks required to determine if yours are working as they should be.
  • Compliant – We maintain a sound knowledge of the latest regulations and legal requirements when it comes to maintaining your alarm systems, so your business stays compliant and safe, too.

Does Your Business Require Fire Alarm Maintenance? Get in Touch Now!

  • For compliant, expert and reliable fire alarm maintenance in London and the surrounding areas, get in touch with ESP for a FREE quote today. You can contact us by:

    Or by filling out our contact form here